FT-RF Waveguide to Coax Adapters has N-type and SMA connections. The frequency range for this Waveguide Coaxial Adapter Series is 350 MHz to 18 GHz, with a low VSWR.
Microwave equipment is frequently connected to coaxial components such as attenuators, switches, and couplers using waveguide-to-coaxial adapters. They are frequently used in satellite and terrestrial communications equipment.
WR90 Standard Gain Waveguide Horn Antenna, 8.2 to 12.4GHz, 15dbi, SMA-Female connector, UBR Flange
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家長要求「禁放抖音歌」!潔哥「逆風喊話」被讚爆 跟上就對了
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WR90 Standard Gain Waveguide Horn Antenna, 8.2 to 12.4GHz, 15dbi, SMA-Female connector, UBR Flange
以下內文出自: https://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E6%9D%8E%E5%86%B0%E5%86%B0%E6%9B%AC%E4%B8%B8%E5%AD%90%E9%A0%AD%E9%80%A0%E
- WR90 Standard Gain Waveguide Horn Antenna, 8.2 to 12.4GHz, 15dbi, SMA-Female connector, UBR Flange
- EMI/EMC testing, direction finding, surveillance, and antenna gain measurements.
- Calibration devices that measure the gain of other antennas
FT-RF Waveguide to Coax Adapters has N-type and SMA connections. The frequency range for this Waveguide Coaxial Adapter Series is 350 MHz to 18 GHz, with a low VSWR.
Microwave equipment is frequently connected to coaxial components such as attenuators, switches, and couplers using waveguide-to-coaxial adapters. They are frequently used in satellite and terrestrial communications equipment.
引用自: https://blog.udn.com/91dfb996/178624273